Install Plume on Ubuntu 18.04

A meditative guide

What this guide will cover

  1. Must have a server setup already with apache2 as your web server
  2. Will be using PostgreSQL as your database


  1. apachectl -V “Apache2” needs to be version 2.4.17 or higher
  2. A working knowledge of bash, command line typing, and lack of fat fingers πŸ˜€
  3. You are using systemd to start and stop all of your services
  4. My Ubuntu 18.04 server is running in a VM on a Windows 10 Pro laptop… brief specs:
    a. i7-4810MQ, 24GB RAM, 1TB SSD Windows OS, 2TB SSD Data drive with VM files on it
    b. 4 of 8 threads and 8GB dedicated to VM (runs great!)


  1. Install default dependencies: sudo apt install gettext git curl gcc make openssl libssl-dev pkg-config
  2. Install PostgreSQL 11
    a. Guide I used
    b. sudo apt install wget ca-certificates
    c. wget --quiet -O - | sudo apt-key add -
    d. sudo sh -c 'echo "deb `lsb_release -cs` -pgdg main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list'
    e. sudo apt update
    f. sudo apt install postgresql postgresql-contrib libpq-dev
    g. Helpful PostgreSQL tips:
    i. Connect to interface (similar to mysql -u root -p): sudo -u postgres psql
    ii. List databases (from psql window): \l
    iii. Quit/Exit: \q
    iv. Export DB: sudo -u postgres pg_dump db > db.sql
  3. Create a new user for Plume
    a. sudo adduser plume
    b. Set a password for it that you can remember
    c. Log in as plume: su - plume
    d. Go to plume’s home directory: cd ~
  4. Install Rust
    a. curl -sSf | sh
    b. When prompted for Option 1, 2, or 3, press 1 [Proceed with installation (default)], then enter
    c. This will take a bit depending on your system network’s connection ~10 minutes
    d. At the time of this writing, you should get something like stable installed - rustc 1.37.0 (eae3437df 2019-08-13) and Rust is installed now. Great!
  5. Tell your system how to use Rust export PATH="$PATH:/home/plume/.cargo/bin:/home/plume/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin"
    a. You need to put this in you .bashrc file source:
    i. nano ~/.bashrc
    ii. export PATH="$HOME/.cargo/bin:$PATH"
    b. Maybe this too?????: source $HOME/.cargo/env
    c. Go ahead and exit (log out of plume)
    d. Log back in as plume
    e. cd ~
  6. Check to see if Rust and Cargo are actually installed
    a. rustc --version

– Response: rustc 1.37.0 (eae3437df 2019-08-13)
b. cargo --version
– Response: cargo 1.37.0 (9edd08916 2019-08-02)
07. Download Plume and enter the directory
a. git clone Plume

*** Note ***: the next command can and will take a long time

  1. Install Plume and CLI tools (~36 minutes to build and compile)
    a. cargo clean && cargo build --features postgres && cargo install --debug --force --features postgres
  2. Build plm and CLI helper (~12 minutes to build and compile)
    a. cargo install --no-default-features --debug --force --features postgres --path plume-cli
  3. To start PostgreSQL, and create a user and database, you will need to use a root account
  4. Ensure the PostgreSQL service is running, use b to start it if not
    a. sudo service postgresql status
    b. sudo service postgresql start
  5. Create user and database for Plume to use
    a. sudo -u postgres createuser -P plume
    i. Make a secure password for your plume PostgreSQL user!
    b. sudo -u postgres createdb -O plume plume
  6. Now you can go back to your plume user account and be in the Plume directory
    a. `cd ~/Plume
  7. Create an .env file that the plume server will read
    a. nano .env and populate with this changing the postgres user name, password, database name and ROCKET_SECRET_KEY as needed
# Postgres SQL setup

# For PostgreSQL: migrations/postgres

# The domain on which your instance will be available

# Secret key used for private cookies and CSRF protection `openssl rand -base64 32`

# Mail settings

# Custom icons
  1. Populate the database
    a. diesel migration run
  2. Setup your instance
    a. plm instance new
    b. plm users new --admin
  3. Create search index
    a. plm search init
  4. You should be ready to test everything before you configure systemd using
    a. plume
    b. If there is anything I forgot, it will tell you here
    c. If not, you should get a bunch of text to the extent of
plume@computer:~/Plume$ plume
Configuration read from /home/plume/Plume/.env
πŸ”§ Configured for development.
=> address:
=> port: 9092
=> log: normal
=> workers: 8
=> secret key: provided
=> limits: forms = 128KiB, json* = 1MiB
=> keep-alive: 5s
=> tls: disabled
πŸ›° Mounting /:
πŸš€ Rocket has launched from
  1. If you have gotten this far, congrats! Plume is ready to go!
  2. Configure plume to start as a service on boot
    a. sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/plume.service and in that file
Description=plume - federated blogging application postgresql.service


  1. Enable the service with sudo systemctl enable plume
  2. Start the service with sudo service plume start
  3. Reverse Proxy for Apache2
    a. Please use this config

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